She honestly looks like she's in her 20s in the OP image. That native bone structure is gonna kick her ass soon, so it'd be better if she dropped pedrobaiting and accepted that she doesn't actually look like she's 12. In candids it's clear that she has a strong beak nose and a blocky masculine jawline (which is why she's always tilting her head down in every single pic, to hide it and make her eyes look bigger). These aren't bad features on women, they actually make for a very model-esque look. But she doesn't want to accept them because she wants to lure pedros and pretend she's 10 forever. It's sad. I don't want to see her spiral as an adult and be obsessed with ageplay forever.
She's gonna end up like >>114693 pretty soon. Imagine spending the most formative years of your life pandering to morbidly obese pedrophiles who will call you a hág the second you turn 18, then spend your prime adulthood wishing you were a little kid. Her parents are truly fucking retarded for letting her use the internet at all, especially unmonitored. What's worse is that it's obvious she'll never go to college or get a job either.