04/13/2022 (Wed) 05:10:47
imagine going around the internet pretending to be autistic while at the same time
talknig about how being a slut is good and low body count is bad and how men are awful
and in real life ur a slut that abandons people who love u to whore urself out to literal trash for drugs
all while that fiancee u ghosted over a joke about ur pink shirt has a tumor and other serious health issues
thats the story of Zoe "Kasper" Bouldin, groomer lover of Marc Linden and Young Shim , predators of Bianca Devins and Ciara Horan, two dead girls from the influence/actions of those 2 guys too and weed whore for some random tinder nigger.
nothing here guys
move on
hopefully this page only serves as a warning for anyone who is smart enough to google that wretched demon whore's name name
ur the actual Lolcow Zoe
everyone will laugh at u in hell