Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 00:31 No.117945 del
In that pic of her 13th birthday she unironically looks older than my ex wife did at 19-21/22, as well as a few of my other "loli" body type exs.(I have a thing for younger mildly-moderately anorexic girls, it's probably morally wrong, I know it's an issue, I don't don't plan to do anything to do anything about it.)
Also, just having talked to Puka I can tell you I get the impression she's probably not the most hygienic person, and looking at that thing could get me 5+ years in prison whereas looking at Cewls vagina just lead to a lot of fun drama that was so entertaining it ruined 4chan for me because after that the drama and conversations are just dull.

To be completely blunt I'd "e-date" Cewl again way before I'd e-date Puka.