Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 04:15 No.119311 del
Pure cope. She is spiritually empty and used up and her body has been seen by hundreds of men. Not just any men, but degenerates. And not only that, she liked it, still likes it, and regrets nothing. She is also not autistic and just wants to act like what she thinks r9k associated circles desire, based on old egirls who had actual diagnosed autism. She does not have diagnosed autism. Did you know that women with BPD are often mistaken for being autistic at first? Kek. All she has are nudes and a wrecked brain from chasing obese pedros. She's impure enough she may as well have already fucked fifty guys, stop coping. She's a straight up actual WHORE who has shown her body to countless men. Any sane man would take a woman who's had sex with one or two men over a literal retard who's had esex with dozens by the time she was 15, and the fact that you think otherwise makes it obvious you're a woman (Pukara). It will only get worse from here, too, since her parents are more than happy to let her be a cocksleeve for random men.