The Predicator Saint Hispanic Jh 12/18/2024 (Wed) 19:43 No.122539 del
I just want the will of the Holy God to be done in your life Agatha, that your soul be saved by our Holy God, because the Lord Jesus Christ has already paid everything, all that remains is for you to repent of your sins before our Holy God so that you may be saved, I would like to see you in person, but my desires are just fantasies now, and I feel like an idiot for begging you so much, and maybe you are already with your partner, maybe it is a man or a woman, I don't know the truth, I will continue preaching to save the souls of the anons and of anyone who sees this message, because my Holy God allows preaching in order to save the souls that manage to perceive this message, may there be peace with all anons.