Ember thread Anonymous 06/25/2022 (Sat) 19:03 No.13480 del
(236.71 KB 1080x1921 sd5saESikf.jpg)
>Who is Ember?
A cutie from australia that used to be friends with bianca.
>How old is she?
>What is she like?
Autistic (retard)
>What does she like?
weed, BWC (big white cock), making bread, her mum and her brother.
>Any achivements?
Used to prey underage men with bianca, nuked the server and got groomed by sam hyde.
>woah she is so cool, bet she doesn't have a song
wrong https://youtube.com/shorts/80WorSPgVbE?feature=share
>ok is she active?
yes, you can dm her on instagram or any other social media she's in. i promise you she wont ignore you, unless you are really shit.

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