07/22/2022 (Fri) 00:41:36
>be me, college student
>no friends, hate my work, hate my industry, hate the country, hate being an incel. Decide to drop out
>losing my mind so in a moment of desperation I try to make friends on r9k
>end up meeting girl and we hit it off
>she ends up asking me out
>first time I ever had a gf so I don't know how to handle it
>she e-cheats on me by looking for findom simps on soc
>I confront her and she gaslights me saying I did something wrong by noticing her posts
>we make up and make plans for future
>I want to meet up
>she ghosts me a week before Christmas
>look into her further and find out she is a semi-notorious e-girl
>many people I talk to claim to have known her and had similar experiences
>foolishly get back in contact with her
>she claims to be dating some guy irl now
>I behave pathetically and irrationally
>one day she ghosts me after we get in an argument over nonsense
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