Anonymous 04/26/2023 (Wed) 16:14 No.21754 del
Often, people will develop attraction to children as a result of porn addiction escalation. They seek out more and more extreme content and they get off on whatever is most shocking and new to their body. But the vast majority of porn addicts never watch cp or try to simulate it with AI. Only someone attracted to children would spend hours, days, weeks, months jacking off to them. He’s attracted to children. That’s a fact. It’s not weed, it’s not just “addiction” ruining him, it’s nothing he can shift blame onto in order to make you not think of him as a threat.

This guy needs therapy, before he actually catches a CP charge. He should not date anyone. I understand your feelings for him, but you fell in love with who he was pretending to be very early on in an internet relationship. You have never met him in person and you’ve known him for an extremely short period of time. It will only get worse if you stick around by his side. He has lied to you, and will continue to lie to protect his secrets and what’s clearly pedophilia. You are young and should not be wasting time on the internet giving all your time and love to someone who spends all day every day looking at CP. Listen. Even if he actually had stopped looking at all that CP at your request, could you really live with knowing he constantly wants to fuck kids? Could you live with knowing he’d still be watching CP if you hadn’t had to mommy him around and beg him not to? It doesn’t matter that he’s attracted to one or two adult women either lmao. Most pedophiles are not exclusively attracted to kids. 11 is completely prepubescent, and most 11 year olds could pass as 6-8 anyway. He’s lying to you to gain your trust over and over again and make you feel like the weird one.
He’s both an addict and a pedophile. He is not your problem, but he wants to make you his problem.

>I'm quite an obnoxious person who nobody could really fall in love
The only reason why Nick “chose” you isn’t because you’re unloveable. It’s because you think you’re unlovable. Only someone with extremely low self esteem who’s desperate to be loved would put up with someone like Nick. You’re very strong for leaving, I hope your mentality of the situation continues to get better and you can view yourself in a more positive light. I strongly recommend you never speak to him again.

Hopefully Marky does see this if she actually is his friend. I have no reason to not believe the anon posting this stuff, it’s very sincere.