Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 20:30 No.24157 del

utter retard with horrible reading comprehension, yes they do. especially when it’s an urgent matter like this case. the point of them saying the police claimed his mother was there without anyone telling them was to confirm that they did indeed go to his house. the fact this has to be explained to you like you’re a toddler is atrocious.

other anons, call and ask san antonio pd.

to the pedo scrote, post her id with everything scribbled out except birthday. you won’t because you’re full of shit. you are a larping liar desperately reaching out of fear of confirming your own dox. and yes, 32 year old males pursuing underaged girls is illegal. if you try this again with another actually <18 vulnerable girl you and your complicit mother will both be facing charges.