Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 18:30 No.26792 del
Ken is the most innocuous part of those screencaps. Literally just going "oh wow haha uh" repeatedly. They made up a long time ago once they realized the manipulation web they were caught in at the Russian's hands. I wonder who leaked these caps and how, especially considering these are coming out what, literally 4 years later? What I think probably happened is, since the Russian guy and his buddy ekat were always trying to turn Marky and Kennedi against each other, the Russian was getting Ken to send screencaps like this to him and he used them as a way to "prove" to Ken how she should stay away from Marky and she can't be trusted (since Marky knew by then that the Russian wasn't to be trusted?). Then the Russian shared these and they spread around between a few more people.