Anonymous 09/05/2023 (Tue) 19:52 No.30253 del
>couldn't determine the date
Endchan MD5 filenames, I checked my early thread scrapes:
>marky is hanging out with a man
Her brother, Hunter (^:

It didn't cross my mind to expect these files to have original upload dates (not in a way I've seen yt-dlp handle them), and can confirm that original farm tour video in that folder was indeed sourced from same re-upload. And for whatever reason creation time is precise up to seconds (unknown time zone), e.g. exiftool shows the following:
>File Name: marky-s tour of the farm.mp4
>Media Create Date: 2020:03:31 07:21:46

NB: filming must have taken place around Christmas 2018, Marky talks about shipping her bikes to Brazil.

Here are the dates for files in alice mir streams folder then:

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