Anonymous 09/22/2023 (Fri) 01:43 No.31649 del
Times running out, marky. consider latching onto someone and settling down, and SOON. your looks are all you have to coast on, and they are fading fast with each passing month. In a few years , it will be too late and no one will find you desirable anymore and youll be a destitute lonely old cat lady. Your only choices are orbiters or maybe a wealthy older man (sugardaddy), but the window is closing fast. dont delude yourself and think "ill just hold out for love". no, you wont, that ship has left the port. its gone. The only guys left in their late 20's are divorced dudes with multiple children and very mentally ill men with no social skills. thats the pool you must choose from, or remain alone forever. tik tok, marky :)