Anonymous 09/27/2023 (Wed) 05:45 No.31915 del
Yeah sure I know some molestation victims turn into pedophiles but not me you see I only make cute art of young girls that's borderline sexually suggestive and totally not pedophilic and date pedophiles on occasion even when I've been forwarned they're pedophiles but as a former victim of molestation by a pedophile I completely RESENT the implication that I myself could be a pedophile. How dare you sirs! Do you know how much I suffered when I lived with that pedophile for 3 years and had sex with him and helped him moderate his imageboard masterchan and how many cunny threads I had to look at? I fucking HATE pedophiles and that's why I have done everything in my power to befriend and have sex with every single god damned pedophile I have had the honor or meeting.