Anonymous 11/19/2023 (Sun) 20:55 No.38536 del
I don't think she is even aware of this. Call it BPD, NPD, or simple foolishness, I think she casually goes by every day unaware of the true impact she makes in others. Look at this thread(s), look at some of the posts made here by actual people she has met, look at the lengths they and others (like her ex) have gone to get some sort of retribution or perhaps only solace in the company of others whom she has made feel the same.
My point is that even with all her faults and flaws she's made a profound impact on some people unlike any other egirl I've seen, but the way she reacts to this is rather peculiar, because as much as she claims to not be affected by what people here comment or what others think of her, she still goes through life luring people in and discarding them as if they were nothing more than used goods, and then casually posting some happy random post to her social media about her day or maybe some artwork, completely oblivious (or uncaring) of the damage she's done to others.
In short: classic woman moment, she's a poser and nothing more than another mentally ill, evil roastie.