Anonymous 11/23/2023 (Thu) 02:05 No.39140 del
(477.00 KB 1200x900 fatbitch.png)
(207.79 KB 960x1200 0_yL7fcPvrEW8Poom7.jpg)
Kaya I know you don't like me, you made that clear, but I swear to god if you don't date me I will kill myself. All I need is a girl with common sense and I think you have way more than just that. I'm 19 now and I'm serious, I have XP too. I can give u free supply at my store yo i can be the PLUH. I even got the George Floyd Funko pop just for you. I'm tired of these bitchy fat asses please come back Kaya, even if you don't date me.