tinker 11/26/2023 (Sun) 02:14 No.39717 del
now why should i do that? i understand wanting to know im not a larp, but i dont like bumping this thread as is, and tbh it doesnt even matter, its not like ur giving me ur private info

>Why can't you have friends?
somewhat antisocial from years of forced hikkomori lifestyle. i wasnt put in school so i never learned to socialize ig. i really like people including "normies", but i despise playing the game of socialization w people, small talk and politeness and etc. the people i know who are good at socializing, its bc they play the game and partake in meaningless convo w randos. ill only talk to someone if im interested in smth, and even then i usualy stick to myself
>join a club
i have at my community college recently, but i havent made any friends there cuz im quiet the entire time and they probably think im weird. idc tho bc they go cool places and thats why im there

>What do you like to do? I'm sure you have a hobby to share?
the problem is most of my hobbies r stuff i want to keep inside my brain. the only one i love socializing over is music, and sometimes anime. but the other things i "love to do" are just daydreaming, writing and making up fantasy worlds in my head which i do not want to share w anyone for fear of it being stolen or seen as cringe

i have 1 irl friend who i never see irl anymore and barely talk to, and we bonded over anime