08/09/2021 (Mon) 07:26:09
If your life sucks, it's your fault and your problem. Nobody else's but your own. Stop blaming your problems on other people.
>"B-but muh childhood was traumatic!"
And? You think the world is gonna take pity on you because of this?
>"B-but society hates straight white men these days!"
And? I know this. But the only way to stop it is to keep pushing forward and fighting for what you believe in or kill yourself like a bitch.
>"B-but muh genetics! I'm an ugly beta male!"
So fucking focus your energy on improving yourself to make you love yourself and not rely on the approval of others. Stop wasting fucking time and do what you need to do. Do it TODAY. Stop telling yourself you'll do it tomorrow and never end up doing it. Go to community College, learn a trade, go to the gym, make friends with losers and work your way up the social latter. Fucking TRY. YOU. ARE. THE. MASTER. OF. YOUR. OWN. DESTINY. Your life sucks because of you. Everyone is dealt a different set of cards in their life and you may be on veteran or recruit difficultly, but no matter how hard your life sucks, there's always a way to claw yourself out of the hole. FUCKING TRY, ANON. QUIT WHINING AND MOTHER FUCKING TRYYYYYYYYYYY.