Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 00:26 No.46250 del
Not only this, but you can see the sheer self loathing she has. She clearly hates what she is. So why encourage her to keep her in this state? I will tell you why, because this is a classic tactic predators use... They do not want their target to change into women who are independent and have a genuine base for self love. This is so they don't feel worthy of anything more and settle with an inferior man. So they are forever dependent on the validation said predatory men provide. If Eva became smart, confident, more beautiful, learned how to validate herself, learned how to take care of herself, then she wouldn't want anything to do with you. Whether you understand this or not, you're not interested in her changing because if she were to, she would no longer have a need for you in her life. You want her to be meek and incompetent, insecure and in need of constant validation, because that is what you can hold onto.

You only call the term putrid because you yourself don't want to accept your own flaws. If you really accepted her, you'd be realistic with her and tell her "You need to improve yourself so you can be happy with yourself" rather than "Don't worry! Nothing is wrong, you're perfect as you are!" Which is simply a lie.

Maybe if she learned some skills, learned how to have proper self love, didn't rely on shallow validation from pedophiles, she'd have a chance at this life. But right now all you are doing is telling her she has no flaws, which is only going to cause her to be confused and to make no personal progress. It's not about the amount of books, it's about what she willing to learn and her ability to absorb useful knowledge. Right now she doesn't do anything like this. She spirals around in her same routines and habits that only serve to make her incompetent. If you really love her, you would want her to to grow the fuck up.