Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 17:51 No.46672 del
(97.54 KB 707x398 4ever.jpg)
my version:
She's a Serbian ritalin addict (got prescribed at the young age because of her adhd condition) who ran away from home to Turkey to study chemistry there. In Turkey she got mixed up with some bad people who got her further into hard drugs like opioids. After understanding the sheer severity of her situation (being a heroin addict), she got depressed and sought escape from the harsh reality in the virtual world. That's how she got on r9k. She didn't care about her physical body anymore, she HATED it. That's why she was posting her nudes all over r9k, to show her disgust at her own body, to get back at it, to self-harm it. But your soul just can't escape its prison. And so as the time went on, so did the heroin dosage. And so on Christmas Eve, in the year of our Lord 2023, an e-girl formerly known as cewl, ceased her breathing and so was finally set free. And flew like an Angel into the vast expanse of Space! Away, away, from the wretched Earth! Towards the better world where everything is as it should be!

And that's how we ended up here, lads.