Anonymous 01/14/2024 (Sun) 14:56 No.46749 del
Did you even read my post? I said it wasn't idealization. I never thought of her as being my 'dream gf fantasy' even though she seemed, by everything I had to go by, as a person that was too good to be true because she was kind, nice to me, and simply just cool and fun to be with. I'm sorry but I just can't see her as being that any longer now that I know who she really is, even when I did have my own suspicions at first long ago but had never really taken them seriously because why would I.

If she reads this I want her to know I'm not just being carried away and blindly believing what her ex or other people here post about her and hence form my opinion around that, because that's what she'll most likely think. I simply just know that most of what has been revelaed about her and the things she's and still does to this day is true.