Anonymous Admin 02/11/2024 (Sun) 15:46 No.48941 del
In case the handful of legit users of the board - who aren't that samefag replying to the thread every 5-30 minutes - wandering what happened: I deleted couple of posts which clearly depicted children.
It doesn't matter if the subject of the photos are adults today, when they are five on a photo, that is a photo of a child. Similarly perhaps a victim of a csam is in his/her 30s today, the footage still remains cp.
Besides I won't ever believe that she's +18 today for the poster above is a pathological liar.

Now to address a couple of posts:
Perhaps I misjudged you and we are on the same wavelength after all. Please help out and link posts where the subject of the media is u18. I'll scrub those. Thanks.
You know I wish you would stay at any other website - you clearly know where to stay -, but you are a trash carried by the wind, it blows you back here every time.