Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 19:28 No.51200 del
something about seeing egirls backgrounds and seeing they live in crumbling poverty houses gives me the ick. maybe that’s why we all liked ciara so much, because even if she was a retard, she inevitably had personality and at least some amount of reservation

poverty-chans don’t plan beyond the moment. they don’t mind living in squalor and sometimes thrive in it like a pig in shit. you can expect financial issues. and most of all, they have absolutely no concept of permanence. everything they have is come and go, and has been for generations of fuckups perpetuating the same fuckups and giving birth to future fuckups.

there’s no justification. it’s like living with a parasite who has maybe 7 or so years of mediocre looks left because once the mid 20s hits and she still refuses to take care of her body and mind, you’ll find out what reduced cell turnover and collagen depletion can do to someone in a year and it’s not pretty.