cewl (nice to nice people) 03/02/2024 (Sat) 17:04 No.52167 del
i never said i couldnt handle it? just like that you all are very quick to assume and fill everything in with the idea of how im weak just cause im a woman or something.
its not that i cant handle it. i dont want the discussion to go on, but if i dont reply everyone will assume its because im lying (or again, as if i am weak)
its not for appeal. i dont want to seem like im lying.
libero never said anything about the dm i posted, which had no personal discussions, so i figured these are also ok to post. i specifically said i had to ask him before posting the rest of the stuff because we discussed personal stuff (not like where we live, just how we feel about society and ourselves)
if people dont change their opinion even after i rxplain everything in detail and how they are just blatant lies to make me seem different than who i am, there is someone clearly wrong with them, and even more if they keep coming to the thread after this.

this is a thread about me, i cant be unwelcome. if you dislike me, say it or leave. dont make shit up when i can easily disprove it.