Anonymous 03/04/2024 (Mon) 03:52 No.52317 del
i’m not interested but i appreciate the concern. i am interested in telling you this, though.

your self deprecating persona isn’t cute and it’s not hiding anything. your pseudoconfidence is paper thin and it is apparent that you are an overweight, self hating slob. and it’s a shame too, because you seem like you’ve had a tough life and you may even have some wise shit in between your drivel that you could share to maybe help someone in a way you wish someone would have helped you.

instead you go full throttle narcissist and you confuse the reaction to abuse that abused women have towards your petty insults as you being someone who is desirable to talk to. you’re not. these girls are emotionally unstable and you know this. you weaponize insecurity. that’s why you say rude shit to them almost immediately because you know after that they’re going to try to prove you wrong and in that, they’ll stay there talking to you. no emotionally stable person would ever humor this scum fuck behavior but that’s why you’re doing this on r9k and agatha and not somewhere like reddit or tinder. you know. and we know you know.

and you know what else i know? i know this bullying persona is projection. it’s what you think you deserve, and you treat everyone around you the way your parents conditioned you to think you were worth. it’s sad. you completely gave up fighting it and you let them control your life and now, your personality. as badly as you talk about them both, you are, quite frankly, your mother and your fathers son to a T.

when you read this, you’re going to reject it. you’ll get pissed, you’ll pull some half assed retort like “cringe” or “why you mad” because your entire life, you’ve never had to form an actual argument. you have crafted your persona specifically for moments like this- to intimidate and seem impenetrable. you have the anatomy of an insect. your hard exterior is a betrayal to how soft and useless you are deep down. this is the most genuine thing anyone will ever say to you in your entire life and you know it, too.

you can’t remove this post and i will sleep peacefully knowing that you had a bad 15 minutes today because you had to deal with this reply being something you couldn’t control.

i would say get help, do better and change but you’re more likely to rope yourself than ever consider introspection so kam, go fuck yourself you predatory fat retard.