Anonymous 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:37 No.55879 del
This. These guys are absolutely delusional in their fanfiction. This alexa girl is a turbo normie professor who has nothing to do with the chans.
She is not imitating kennedi and chances are that she started dressing and acting that way even before kennedi did.
The reason why ken and parish had a falling out could be literally anything and I don't see how that is important.
Yeah sure, she made her socials public after her doxx and her info have been posted here and after reporting her pics, according to what you guys say. Makes zero sense.
Reality is that she doesn't browse here and doesn't give a crap about kennedi.
It's always funny when ken tards accuse any girl on earth to be a "ken clone", even though "ken clones" existed before and after kennedi. Also, she stopped being relevant online years ago, and she is a nobody in SF and in her social circles. Her public accounts have like 20 followers and they are all old orbiters and irl friends.
The people who keep up with this thread are less than a dozen...