Anonymous 03/19/2024 (Tue) 19:24 No.56505 del
Yeah we met up in the park and fucked in my car

Yeah she told me she liked Hispanics too, I'm kind of a diversity thing for her too, one time she showed me a Soviet propaganda poster and asked me to translate and I did and then she said it was right, so then I asked what would she have done if I lied about knowing Russian and she said nothing and she would like trap and embarrass me later, what a psycho. She's been trying to live off of her teenage identity, most of her interests are stolen from exes in the first place.

Unironically she's just being a woman, it's funny when she said she looked at all my YouTube comments and said I was an incel and hating women too because at most I'm racist towards Armenians but I definitely never was an incel on YouTube, so that has to be projection since she knew about MGTOW and was even anti-fap.