Anonymous 03/20/2024 (Wed) 01:15 No.56785 del
i mean you're taking a very extreme case of autism (chris chan) and saying she can't be autistic because she's not like him,, but like, i could also say she can't be psychopath because she's not like ted bundy. it could be traits of both, she does have a nerdiness about her that you wouldn't find in psychopathic people as they tend to be more social gain focused and usually lack of solitary hobbies as they see no value in anything that doesn't bring an increase in status, psychopathic people also do not have any true friends or relationships that aren't for the benefit of their image or status and while it's true marky pursued some high status males like sam hyde for gain in status, she also had somewhat 'genuine' relationships too that were more real than fake. i think she had dark triad traits but i also see autistic traits too, unfortunately everyone will dismiss that because most people think autism = spergy retard