04/26/2024 (Fri) 22:14
I'm basically a "normalfag" who's been frequenting 4chan for about 5 years. I found the site because I liked horror stuff and I had a curiosity for gore as a 40-year-old woman. The funny thing is that from joke to joke I realized that most, if not all, people see things with rose-colored glasses and get edgy when they don't.
I started enjoying rekt and gore, but indirectly all my optimism was shattered, so now I only watch it occasionally. Without irony, the teenagers are right. Nothing matters, the world always was and will be the most unredeemable shit imaginable, but at least everyone will die, so I guess there is a light in all this. I didn't even know what an orbiter was yesterday, I'm only here because I got banned from 4chan and, no, I'm not rebooting my router or whatever.