Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 05:27 No.68026 del
I think she's admitted as much. Looking up to the other egirls because they thought they were relatable losers as herself, relating to the problems of robots and incels because they shared similar values and outlook and views on life, etc. And I believe it, you look back on her old content and you see an entirely different person to what you see today. What guys like these also knew and think Audrey still is

But that doesn't explain what happened afterwards. How did she go from that, as much of a self-proclaimed loser that she thought she was, to her current self? She's claimed that places like 4chan and agatha were bad for her, and if you remember her youtube callout post she said she had to cut off people that were bad for her, but honestly, she is in a much worse position and "shape" now that she ever was back then. From calling out and shaming thots with paypigs who did drugs and hooked up, to being a paypig having thot who does drugs and hooks up but worse.