Anonymous 05/21/2024 (Tue) 04:06 No.68933 del
>Now this guy is definitely an insider
Yeah thought about this. What is it about Audrey that makes people turn on her?
Most if not all of the rares and inside info has been leaked by people who were close to her, former friends, her ex (and possibly other exes), guys she's had history with and the like. And you also have other people coming out and saying how much of a negative impact she's had in their lives. How come? I'm seriously curious about this since every other girl thread's full with fans, orbiters and supporters, whereas Audrey's are filled with guys ready to expose her and shit on her. And even threatnin/attempting suicide lately.

Mind you, based on what I know and have seen I really think the hate is warranted, I'm not being apologetic here or taking the blame off her, just wondering why she has a much more powerful (and negative) impact upon the people who've met her than the other girls.