vamp 05/22/2024 (Wed) 12:39 No.69023 del
Well, I may be fishing for the compliments back then but I am not a great-looking girl either, I just try to post the most flawless pics of myself that I have but usually I dont look like that.
Yeah, yeah and which is the source for your claim?Totally made up from your shitty psychoanalysis on others.
I may not have strong opinions about a lot of things I believe, thats because I am not experienced enough and dont have the intellectual ability and crucial knowledge to find the absolute truth on things but that doesnt mean I keep labeling myself with an ideology just to make myself look cooler and create a false identity to appeal to people around me so they can find me politically correct. It's fine to be skeptic and to stay vigilent on all topics without holding strong opinions on them since knowledge is infinite and it would be almost impossible to arrive to a destinational conclusion.
Ive been a marxist since forever, its not something I picked up recently from its popularity in social media and the western world. Besides that I come from a post-communist country which is harder to express your opinion here since people are highly uneducated on politics in general and basically just brainwashed by the goverment so they can corrupt a little more everyday. Eventhough communism gets highly misinterpreted in Albania, I still make it clear publicly political obligations that I strive for even If Id get hated for them here.
If I wanted to be just "cool" as you think, then I wouldve picked a different ideology, something that is accepted by the people that are near me and who I align with.