Anonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 22:37 No.69989 del
(55.14 KB 354x361 Pekka.jpg)
Trust famalam that ain't me
I don't mean to shitpost in Audi's thread, by looking at it you people do that enough yourselves, but that's the only way this fruit would see what I'm saying
I don't even like coming on down to this part of town but hey I still come by every so often see what you fine members of society are up to
I care for none of your drama, I take everything with a pinch of salt and hey like I would even care what she wants to do, to each their own huh

Anyways my friend I've got some real important information for ya next time your in a public toilet

There are 2 bits in bathroom binary.
A number 1 (01) is taking a piss.
A number 2 (10) is taking a poop.
A number 3 (11) is a shitpiss where you poop and pee at the same time.