Anonymous 06/03/2024 (Mon) 00:26 No.70385 del
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It has been brought to my attention from a fellow of mine that he fingers
his asshole while he jerks off. We were talking about Ninja Turtles the
other day and he was like have you ever given yourself a Donatello? And I
had no idea what that meant so I asked and he said it was when you stick
your finger(s) in your asshole while you jerk off. So to that I say no and
ask him if he has ever given himself a Donatello, and he gives me some kind
of faggish grin. So I call him a fag. He says it helps him get it up faster
and cum faster. I still dont quite understand, why in the hell would you
want stick your fingers in your asshole. Is there something up there
special? The farthest I would ever go is wiping my ass. I just can't
imagine, I mean I've licked an asshole by mistake once, but voluntarily
sticking your fingers or objects in your ass while you jerk off just strikes
me as vile.