Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 15:15 No.70506 del
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I got ya, and I again idk what's really going on here
But either way what I could say is fuck em
That's not to say let people walk over you, that's not to say sit idle while they are allowed to hurt others
That would be immoral
I try my best to help people out and I'm sure there still might be a few left on this board and yes I'm calling you guys out for still being on here if you are, you know you shouldn't!
But what I'm asking is that you don't do what you do out of hate but out of a moral duty, trust me my friend, doing things out of malice isn't the way to go, it may sound like blah blah obvious crap you've heard all your life
But I hated a girl a few years back now I truly just don't give a shit, it is what it is, we didn't get along so be it
We moved on and I would never loose my integrity, I have made promises to everyone I've ever spoken to that I'd keep their info to my self and I always have and I always will
But imagine now that I let malice take me, I would loose the trust of others and more importantly I would loose that one thing I knew was pure inside me
If others could be hurt do your best to help them, but over all as we should all know by now people are going to do what they are going to do
They will have to learn on their own, and when the come back to you saying please forgive me I guess I really was wrong after all
That's our time to help again and hopefully this time they'll listen
So, idk who you are my friend but I wish you the best, to help what ever it is that you need help with and at the same time help everyone who might need the same but in their own way