Anonymous 06/05/2024 (Wed) 14:53 No.70639 del
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As we can see, the thread moves on as if nothing happened
People will do as they please, there is no helping those that do not want to be helped
Now I need to tell you all something

Humidity overheated my junk liberally.
It strapped me into its ambient temperature and would not keep its offensive moisture off of me.
It was causing many red-flag heat strokes.
I could not believe what the fuck was going on.
I told humidity that the Weather Network would not approve of a cool front coming out of the Gulf Stream for free.
It doesn't help that the Humidex has been at 40% for weeks. I can barely walk straight!
What am I going to tell my wife when she comes back from getting ice to ask why the fuck I'm toweling off my balls in the presence of our children?
She'll make me drop trau and use deodorant in front of everyone again. There it is.
The guy across the street just asked if anyone could smell. that.. I gotta go shower.