Anonymous 06/06/2024 (Thu) 18:35 No.70749 del
I dont even know If Id keep living for long with this shit ive done. I feel so out of place that even delusions and gaslighting myself dont help anymore. I was feeling so fucking empty and my life was boring as hell. I hated living my whole life feeling basically nothing and out of place. But holy shit, what I am feeling now its 1000x time worse, I cant focus on any other thing its terrible. Been shaking and having panic attacks all the time, I really hope this feeling doesnt last for wrong. And for sure I dont see men the same anymore, my hatred for them has increased and this for sure sucks. Sometimes I believe empathy is not in their genetics and they're literal animals who dont think about how other feel. They only care about dominating and taking advantage anyone who is weak. I hate being weak, why am i like this