Anonymous 06/06/2024 (Thu) 19:26 No.70759 del
Vamp, have you ever thought for a single second that maybe it's the men you surround yourself with in these online spaces? Most men are rational beings who wouldn't harm anyone. Most guys are not like the guys here. And judging from how you are, you'd probably surround yourself with these types in real life as well, skewing your perception of them. If you'd learn to stop looking for our validation, this would end slowly but surely. As a matter of fact, if you truly did send spicy photos to a random anon, you've directly fed into this monster you're fight.
No, you've created the monster yourself. No one here is obligated to be empathetic towards you, Vamp. And your words and actions are only going to cement that. As smart as you'd like to think you are, you should know this.

Another thing, if you hate men so much, why are you looking for their validation? You should want nothing to do with them. Stop trying to benefit from them, even just getting attention from them online. Stop. But you won't, we know you won't.