Anonymous 06/06/2024 (Thu) 21:47 No.70831 del
Even if Albanian is a trad society, she admitted earlier that she herself is a commie. I mean her name is commieboo. She also argued with me a little on not liking feminists. Clearly, she got her programming somewhere that Albania's trad society couldn't beat.
What pisses me off even more is how smart and sophisticated she tries to come off as while saying stupid shit and making retarded life choices.
>She never applies this biological essentialist logic to races though lol
She won't apply that logic to women, either. She fought me on that earlier in the thread. lol I guess men are the only ones who have negative biological drives in her fucked up head. But she expects us to take her seriously (men btw, whom she hates) even when you can point out how logically inconsistent she is.
She'll probably go to the trad side (as a grift) maybe around her mid-twenties, late-twenties, or early thirties, when the attention begins to dry.