Anonymous 06/07/2024 (Fri) 04:49 No.71044 del
>muh cp
I think if you are enough of a degenerate piece of shit whore filth to willingly remove every piece of clothing (not many) from your body, get a phone, scroll to the camera option on your phone, select the camera option on your phone, find a space in your home in which you think a picture would be best taken, hold the camera outwards in a position that allows you to take a picture of yourself, decide the room that you are in isn't good enough because you are a fat little piggy and you need somewhere where the lighting masks your 10 chins, move to another room, pose in such a way that you are clearly intending to give an erection to a male, push your finger against the phones button or touch screen so that it takes a picture of you in that position, select the image, send it to a man, then go on to continue your pathetic career as a mediocre e-girl who only gets any attention because she looks like someone who might have sex with you even if you spend 14 hours a day posting on a Maldivian Claymation forum, then you don't fucking deserve to be called a child.