Anonymous 06/07/2024 (Fri) 17:01 No.71143 del
>you fellas never care about me or the other e-girls
Really, nigga? You're going to gloss over the guys in here telling you to stop being stupid and leave? We agree that many of the guys in this space don't care about you or any of the why are you still here? What do you honestly expect from guys in this space? Before coming to the Chans, did you not give even a cursory glance at even just some lore of ONE 4Chan e-girl?
If absolutely none of us cared about you even just a little, we wouldn't be telling you to leave. We'd either say nothing, watching the shitshow from afar or we would encourage you to stay.
But you're an idiot who can't be away from attention for too long so here you are. Even bad attention is better than no attention. Right?
Vamp, you're creating your own demon yet continue to blame other people. Take some fucking accountability. How the fuck are you going to send lewds, then complain when anons want you for your body? What else are you even offering? Then you complain about hate when you're a self-proclaimed misandrist. Do you think you're really doing yourself any favors by hating on the sex you so desperately want attention from?...And kind of need in real life if you're ever in danger. Then you tell these very same people, including the guys who want you to leave, to kill themselves.
My kindness will only stretch so far before I start to bully you. Before you even think about complaining about that, just remember that you just told us to kill ourselves.