Anonymous 06/09/2024 (Sun) 12:55 No.71650 del
you haven't done any long-term irreparable damage to yourself. it'll suck for a while but you're in a very salvageable situation.
the whole
>no one can see me in a positive light
is just the initial panic doom that hasn't been digested just yet. you'll be fine, but you really should disappear from the face of the internet at the very least for a little while. the less you make yourself known, the less sand you shift and the more you minimize your chances of actually getting screwed over. people will forget about you and that's exactly what you want.
ye it'll be a battle stopping yourself from incessantly checking these places but you just gotta trust me on this one, find a distraction and forget about all this shit. it'll still be here for a while, but it'll eventually blow away. everything does.