cewl 06/09/2024 (Sun) 13:29 No.71659 del
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why do people call me tranny it makes them look stupid... its such a nonsense insult like... okay so you dont like trans people. okay bro i believe youre a heterosexual male bro. then... they insult a woman?.. okay.
idk, ive always found it very gay. like it means youre either
>too porn brained and can not fathom the fact that not all women have triple d cup bazookers, a huge ass, sex doll lips (always open, ready to suck) and are naked at all times (otherwise it might be a TRANNY so you have to hate until youre sure (vagina))
>doesnt like women (is literally homosexual)

like i dont know. the first time i posted nudes was actually a response to tits or gtfo, which was said to me because idk why but when a girl likes some stuff, it means they cant be a girl? like she has to be trans? WHAT. i mean there are men that like barbie, they may be gay but they are still cis and male... so why cant i like video games and automatically assumed to be trans. like wtf. 0 logic on for chungel
oh and the reason i explained that was because when i posted my tits, they called me... i... i cant believe it bre

>estrogen tits
like come on. its boobs. boobies. on a website that people say le flat is justice! you claim i am STILL trans after i prove it to you (i guess because anon has to know me better than i do (i am a girl = stupid (but i thought anon was transphobic?..)) LIKE there is legit 0 sense to anything people say on there and i am glad i dont go there anymore lol anyways i think its pretty funy like i think most of these "incels" circlejerked hating women so much they actually became gay. someone should write yaoi on this anyways if you actually read my rant congrats you get a cooky
muhahaha that was actually my forever weed cooky (i do drugs. get it?) now you will be weedy for EVEEER!