cewl 06/11/2024 (Tue) 13:51 No.71981 del
thank you so much!

>forever invite link to my hole (lol)
ye i know im printer paper material but im saying ive always been like this, its probably the lighting and shit. left is inside room right is on bus so.. and u can see how on left u cant see my veins but they are very prominent irl always. so idk
y yeah! diabetes :D
yeah they are insulin needles, their gauge unit is 26 g thats why people use them to administer IV things generally like drugs in this case oxycodone :3

however, after yesterday, im taking a break, my veins have been played with too much the congugugugualuted blood comes into the needle first and blocks it or no blood comes from the vein hence idk if im in the vein or not, making it more likely to miss which is dangerous. i wasted 2 needles back to back trying to find a vein but no luck, i got so mad i cried a little then took my suboxone like a big boy. hopefully ill be doing better in a while and get my hands on some good shit but got no money really lol

aand smoking is awesome

awesome troll bro

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