Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 19:55 No.72083 del
Speaking of rationalizations, I've been meaning to make a post with advice for women:
The bad shit other women say about men when they get rejected, is complete bullshit. It's all lies to make themselves feel better. And it's always the same pattern:
>Men are intimidated by a woman's career
No, men do not care one way or the other about a woman's job. It's completely neutral, men do not care about social status bullshittery like women do. Career women just tend to be arrogant and controlling, and sometimes hold their career over men's head. It's just unpleasant to be around. Career women also tend to be 30yo+, which lowers their attractiveness. This plus the issues with rich women. All downsides, no upsides.
Oh and not to mention how women often act like the most basic shit everyone does is this huge achievement, and get mad when men don't worship them for it.
>Men can't handle making less than their gfs, their male ego wants to be the provider
No, men don't care about a woman's income. They just know that a richer woman will demand richererer men, so the "difficulty level" for that woman will be higher, for zero benefit. The ROI for dating her is just worse. Also, women talking about men's instinct to provide is just them trying to manipulate men into giving them free shit.
>Men are intimidated by tall women
Exact same thing as rich women's income. More demands for zero benefit.
>Men are intimidated by a woman's experience
No, men just don't like sluts. Also there isn't much to it to laying back and taking dick. There is no "experience".
>Men can't handle my curves\full figure\thickness\etc.
No, they just don't like fat chicks. Especially women who call themselves "thick" when they're actually fat.