Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 11:56 No.72197 del

The quick dopamine fix that you get from seeing a compliment or even sometimes a hate comment is enough to get you hooked. Over time it almost becomes addicting and as the dopamine fix becomes more regular you end up finding yourself pushing it farther. Being abit risqué, indulging more in the aesthetic of things, interacting with people whether positively or negatively is enough gradually turn into full-blown attention whoring because simple compliments or unoriginal hate comments just don't cut it anymore. It's not exactly like drugs but the idea of the chemical fix is the same. Obviously all of these girls can make their own decisions and it is their responsibility to dictate how they decide to act. Aside from the obvious 'parents still have to parent'rehtoric, teen girls are stupid cunning sometimes. And often regardless of how good or bad the parents are at monitoring their activity, the internet will continue to beckon you into the world of endless stimuli.

Hope this made sense