cewl 06/13/2024 (Thu) 11:39 No.72442 del
thank u for the advice dude. honestly yeah i cant find any other way other than not feeding into them
i dont think theres any "rares" because theyre all posted i think

also love that hes saying denial and anger as if im grieving the loss of someone. no bro youre making shit up about me, ofc im having a reaction. they just twist shit until they can find an answer, but it makes them even more stupid. idk whats with that blindness and how they cant see how stupid their insults are... its like in 2016 when every makeup/beauty influencer had those thick eyebrows and ppl now call it eyebrow blindness. im not sure if these ppl will grow out of it and reflect on their actions though. their too deep into the pipeline