cewl 06/15/2024 (Sat) 14:25 No.72842 del
tell me youve never done drugs without telling me.
drugs make me able to talk and listen to people without wanting to snap their neck (i hate fucking small talk) and i can socialize and make friends way easier and they find more interest in the things im talking about cuz theyre high as well. drug makes you lose weight. i dont think it does anything to your complexion other than meth fucking it up and giving you pimples and sores on your face and other places (excluding the sores/ulcers due to missed shots etc) depending on the drug it really givws you a different outlook to life, makes you experience egodeath and see the shit you need to work on to become a better person (LSD)
makes everything more bearable and helps you not kill yourself
gives you energy, i used to love to clean after just the right amount of oxies before the dose was high enough to make me nod off.
makes food and music better depending on the drug
helps anxiety
makes you happy
and you can reward yourself with it giving you something to look forward to

of course theres a TON of negatives also, and these are different for everyone, but because you said "only positive thing about drugs" i just wanted to tell u all this. ofc it doesnt justify addiction or use whatsoever, its someones own choice.