cewl##471m4h 06/15/2024 (Sat) 18:09 No.72950 del
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lolis are cute, im talking about a vtuber in the video. lolis are part of otaku culture. i do not jack off to little girls unlike you. i like media containing lolis, such as horror like the vtuber mentioned in the video

also i have not deleted my messages because im not an actual pedro and a pussy like you are elliot. youre so desperate for anything, any crumb of attention, that you do all these, knowing that youve said worse shit but you forget your messages in the server arent deleted. im not holding these over your head because clearly ive hurt you enough to try and take some leverage just because i won an arguement against you and you cant accept that a real woman is better than you, which could be the reason for your obsession with not only fictional children but real ones especially ciara which is fucking dead and youre a disgrace to do disturb a dead person like you do UNPROMPTED every minute bro. youre insane.