Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 06:15 No.73191 del

i watched all her vids, read her reddit, etc.... etc.. she was a silly lady in early 20s wanted to try to ride tiktok into some kind of mainstream fame.

idea she was an evil genius girl version of talented Mr. Ripley is pretty funny. lol. Next would be, well maybe parents hid her away in a French Chateau, they dont have that kind of money. Mcmansion doesnt equal billionaire money,

spectacular theories require spectacular proof.

Also, we, as a crowd, fell off of our A game a long time ago. ive said before, back in old days. day after someone like she died, we d know exact hotel , exact floor, exact room, someone snuck inside lookin for the sheets, pics and vid of interior. Almost 5 years later and no answer to any of above.

to find this stuff now you d need some dirty PI in Philly, and that isnt cheap.