Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 18:24 No.74256 del
Yeah manipulation. Literally just:

Do you guys want a bulletproof way of getting to know and eventually fuck Audrey? Aight, take note:
That's it. When you find a way of establishing contact, steadily talk to her about shit she's known to larp about liking, such as animals or skating, but without revealing your power level too much.
Casually drop some bits here and there about a big personal tragedy until one day not long after you've established contact come up with whatever bullshit family drama, and tell her how painful it is and how big of a toll it's taken to your self esteem and mental health. Wait until she shares some of her totally-not-fake sob stories and tell her how much you understand her pain and how much you wish someone understood yours Imao.
Congrats! You're now on your way to getting into her hairy pussy in no time. It's that simple.